Wednesday, March 5, 2008

#10 Online Image Generators

The online image generator is fun. I made an "I finished the TAKS test cartoon" with my student who had finished the TAKS test. I also selected an image with President George Bush carrying his 'favorite' book.

For some reason, when I use my librarian's iMac,my Promethean MacBook, even the computer on wheels the toolbar at the top of the post will not show up.Actually, I can see the ABC for spell check, the picture for Add an image, and the word Preview twice but that is all. I switched to the Dell in my office and I am going to see if I can link with my image. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

P.S. Little things like the absence of the toolbar or whatever it is called are one of the things that has been so frustrating to me. I didn't know that the options were supposed to exist until Lyle told me.

Thanks bunches, Lyle

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